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lost river 【地質學;地理學】干河,隱入河。

lost souls

This shack was made into a camp kitchen to feed the members of the excavation team who came to reconstruct the ancient ceremonial site . these enterprising cooks also serve light meals and beverages to the hungry guests exploring the jungles of the lost river delta 來失落河三角洲探險的游客越來越多,廚師看準了商機,在考古學家們為修復工作而建的小屋販賣起點心及飲料。

This shop furnishes supplies for explorers and archeologists visiting lost river delta . outdoor items and disney character merchandise with ancient central american motifs can be found here . personalized leather goods can also be purchased 探險家與考古學家們鐘情的小店鋪,售有中美洲氣氛的商品,包括印第安瓊斯冒險旅程的紀念品以及戶外用品等。

The ruins of a mysterious pyramid rise above the central american jungle on the shores of el rio perdido , the “ lost river , “ during the 1930s 化身為1930年代的探險家,沿著位于中美洲的加勒比海岸前往被覆蓋隱藏在密林中的古代遺跡。

In port discovery , indiana jones adventure : temple of the crystal skull in lost river delta , and 水上逗趣船印第安瓊斯冒險旅程:水晶骷髏頭魔宮地心探險之旅海底兩萬哩

Other routes are available from docks in mediterranean harbor and lost river delta 地中海港灣以及失落河三角洲的碼頭提供不同的路線。首航時間為開園一小時后。

Other routes are available from docks in american waterfront and lost river delta 在發現港以及失落河三角洲可搭乘不同路線的渡輪。

Lost river delta 失落河三角洲

Lost river cookhouse 失落河小廚

Lost river outfitters 失落河探險用品

Make your way to lost river delta and venture into the exciting attraction , 先前往失落河三角洲,到第1天沒有玩到的游樂設施

Location : lost river delta 演出地點:失落河三角洲

From mediterranean harbor and head for lost river delta 前往失落河三角洲。先去取得新游樂設施

Disneysea transit steamer line lost river delta 迪士尼海洋渡輪航線失落河三角洲